Soores was with me in my school but I came to know him better after we got admitted in Engineering School. Schooling and Engineering with Soores was great fun! He had his own views, his own ways to look at life.
As I sent across the message about finding Soores back I was surprised by the response. People might not take time to say hello, but for Soores, everyone was curious. People wanted to know where is Soores and what is he doing these days. It was a realization that Soores is a person of huge charisma.
People were guessing. Who is Soores? Soores kaun hai? Me? Nope! I am not Soores. And neither is Soores fake. Soores is as real as anyone else.
Who is Soores? Now how do I explain! It is like asking Who is Amitabh? Or who is Bush or who is Mickey Mouse for that matter! Soores is Soores as Amitabh is Amitabh! and Bush is Bush and Mickey is Mickey!
Nothing more to say! All I can do is post his picture. And this is all I can say, " Soores is in this photograph, he is close to me (not in photograph, but in real life). " Until I find his better picture... kindly adjust.

Update: Soores is now available at
So touching.... tsk tsk...
Hope you find Soores soon and bring him into TB!!!
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